Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, Newness...

So, I have decided to wipe everything clean and start over in this New Year, at least in the blog sense. 
2009 so far has started out pretty good, I spent most of the day cleaning up my apartment after the new years party with The Girl Squad~

To explain, The Girl Squad consists of Me, Brooke Barrett, Sara Stewart, Daphne Greenwood and Kristi Clark. With honorary members being, Ryan and Dewain. Really, it isn't much of anything except a bunch of us that have been hanging out together perfecting the plans to take over the world. This is one of those such meetings, with Dewain being absent.

To further explain, I finally have my own apartment after a long and arduous search! I finally found the balance between cuteness and affordability in the neighborhood that I wanted. I live about two blocks up from the base of Queen Anne Hill. I'll get pictures of the apartment and the neighborhood soon. I absolutely love it!

Here is a preview of the view from my front door-

Pretty sweet!

Alright then, happy new year, and all that newness. 

Till next time.



Us in a paragraph said...

So are you a resolution maker? I'm not much of one, although I think I will set the usual goals. Awesome view! Can't wait to see the apt pics, congratulations!

Brook said...

oh my gosh. i am so fat.